
发布日期:2024-09-12    作者:    编辑:范文晓    浏览次数:

主持人 葛俊祥 教授 时间 2024年09月20日下午14:00-16:00
地址 电磁楼1楼会议室

报告题目: Design of Higher-Performance BPFs Using Multi-Mode Dielectric Resonators for Wireless Communication Base Stations

报告人:  马哲旺 教授

报告时间: 20249201400-1600


主持人:  葛俊祥 教授

报告人简介:马哲旺教授分别于 1981 年和 1989 年获中国科学技术大学学士和硕士学位。1995 年 9 月获日本国立 电气通信大学工学博士学位。1996 年和 1997 年先后任日本国立电气通信大学助教和副教 授, 2009 年 4 月任日本国立埼玉大学教授。

2014-2018 年先后任日本国立埼玉大学工学部电气电子系统工程系副主任和主任。曾任 IEEE Transactions on MTT 副主编, Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, IEICE Transactions on Electronics 特集主编等。自 1998 年起担任美国 IEEE Transactions on MTT 以及 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Editorial Board 委员以及 Review Board 委员,日本电子信息通信学会期刊 IEICE Transactions on Electronics 的 Review Board 委员, 美国学术期刊 International Journal of RF and Microwave ComputerAided Engineering 的 Review Board 委员。

历任日本电子信息通信学会电子仿真技术专业委员会副主任,日本电子信息通信学会微 波专业委员会委员。从 98 年开始担任多届亚太地区微波会议等国际会议技术委员会委员及 Steering Committee 委员。2008 年中日微波国际会议技术委员会主席,2011 年中日微波 国际会议大会主席,以及多项国际会议分会主席等。


报告摘要:In recent years, the rapid development of modern wireless communication technologies has imposed more severe requirements on the RF/microwave components and circuits. Highperformance dielectric resonator (DR) bandpass filters (BPFs) have become essential components in many RF/microwave systems and have been receiving continuous attentions due to their many distinctive advantages like low loss, small size, light weight, and temperaturestable property. In particular, multi-mode DRs are preferred because they can further reduce both the size and weight of BPFs. However, due to the complicated field distributions in multi-mode

DRs, accurate design of BPFs using multi-mode DRs is still a challenging work.

This lecture reviews our recent works on the accurate design of high-performance BPFs using multi-mode DRs for future applications in wireless communication base stations. It includes three parts. In Part I, a precise design method of high-order BPFs with complicated coupling topologies is developed, and an example design of an 11-pole TM010 DR BPF is provided. In Part II, novel combined coaxial and dual-mode DR BPFs are precisely designed with fully controllable TZs, and symmetrical or asymmetrical filter responses are realized with excellent satisfactions of design specifications. In Part III, a novel compact high-performance 11-pole BPF is developed by using two triple-mode DRs and five coaxial TEM-mode resonators. The designed 11-pole DR BPF provides the advantages of reduced size and weight, low-profile, high frequency selectivity, fully controllable bandwidth and TZs, and excellent spurious performance. All the designs of the multi-mode DR BPFs meet the design specifications quite well, and are approved well by measured responses which agree excellently with their theoretical predictions.



